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Two Kao package components are added flower plants hp,burberry outlet, leaf dust is reason to believe that the remaining components of Kao suit, is likely to spend plants are added blood! Set of equipment, staves, armor, wrist, leggings, necklaces, shoes, two rings, two earrings, a total of ten and equipment, in accordance with the weapons, plus 2,000 points, armor, plus 2000 points, the rest of the piece plus 500 points plants will be able to spend a total of 8000 hp, the value of life is quite impressive, with this set of Kao sets, six beautiful flower variation of blood, you can easily over thirty thousand.

In fact,burberry sale, various attributes are added, this is normal, but if Kao sets are all really added blood, leaves dust Kao sets on the hidden suit property interest, after all, a Kao sets, even add to flower plants plus eight thousand of the blood, property can not say how good it is in the hidden attribute context, would certainly have been compensated. In addition to Kao sets, the king also drop a piranha plant division with a skill book, "Implants: Cannibal Corpse Flower." From the skill description, Cannibal Corpse flower and piranha king has the same characteristics, are devoured by his own body to restore hp, but the extent of recovery hp, of course, can not be compared to the king piranha and attack power is King did not like piranha sick of.

Devour corpses recovered through blood, the general division of the plant, but a good skill book, do not worry when leveling fresh corpse flower of blood, improve leveling efficiency, but this skill, it is just practice class time, only a little bit with it. Dragonslayer guild only a few plants in the division on carrion flowers are very envious, but also to see the plant division leaf dust after only a few people is a little worry about. If you want this skill book leaf dust, then no one can say anything, Dragonslayer line will be able to continuously mad killing eight ** oss, leaf dust either from the president's position, or that directed credit, or is Wishing Tree a strong role in the process of killing boss contribution Tai, leaf dust to, then there is absolutely no burberry outlet online the copies.Just leveling with plants, leaf dust is not required, or else burberry outlet online Now they can learn some other plants re-division skills, leveling skills, whether it is a bomb durian tree or variation beauty flowers, are sufficient to serve. Piranha Wang also falling debris props miracles, but not a new fragment, but the magic source fragments, this way, the magic source of debris, but also had two of the. Liansha eight ** oss, dust and leaves no intention of resting thereon. 76 and No. 98 two urban periphery ten ** oss, are refreshed every three days, although eight ** oss is Dragonslayer guild eleven carcasses out, but had been killed by a Dragon and Lost Temple Skull Knight princes and bat devil, but it is already refreshed, and no line will be willing to kill.

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