Friday, June 7, 2013 ghd straighteners niy120

Phoenix high walls,ghd, the gates also very majestic. Standing outside the city can also see the establishment of a statue, one desires rebirth of the Phoenix. Fat into the gate can not wait. Fat after entering the city know what, what is bustling as people. Go people surging around, on both sides of the street of shops, open system, a player to open his own. Established on a temporary paving the edge there are still players selling their goods to and from the players. Fat find an open pharmacy, first the askew bear bile to sell a gold coin.

As for the BOOS King Tiger storm out of the three things,ghd straighteners, fat also do not want to sell so easily. Tailor fat to buy a plain blue robes and pants, sandals thought again feet own series still out, also bought a pair of cloth boots. Three things down and spent a total of one gold and eight silver coins, fat hands are now only two silver coins! However, the fat man was not in a hurry, the most important thing now is to quickly transfer, fat heroes dream to do not twelve days.

Priest to the Temple, the monk went to the temple. ONLY knight transfer special place that is official! Came to a grand front door, sideways above a plaque above the horizontal book four characters: Tang imperial government. The fat man burst evil Khan: spoof it should not be so! Take significant steps and went in, inside the lobby is very spacious, but did not a few people. Place only a few hundred square meters of less than 10 people, fat suspect that he is not wrong place. Dressed fat to an official of the NPC before opening: ghd hair straighteners adults, you want to transfer to become a knight!

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