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Nearby, a man a beast, two figure finally coincide together. Seeing this one Dianmang surround, and even higher than his last few inches of Garnett, Liu Wei, while silent, this affection for monkeys playing just finished yesterday, and today they have playing the wolf. fifa 14 coins Also for pure water from? Is not it also with buy fifa buy fifa go ? Liu Wei tried asked. We do not know which Garnett can understand somewhat, but gotta try, specifically how to effect only the best, and the destiny. Roar...... Garnett is pretty simply, directly behind migraine growled.

Stature vigorous, if the lightning fast, is a dozen huge wolf head shape. Ah fifa ultimate team coins golden monkey smarter than that and more to the vicinity, I saw those giant wolf mouth slightly open, carefully spit a head, tightly curled, petite cute little pups look honest. Sure enough, as Liu Wei expected, which know how to find ways to improve wolves same cub survival, but Liu Wei did not think it could be so clever Garnett, gold actually know how to bypass the great apes, came directly buy fifa. Stretch your palms to the front, the chest surrounded by a circle, slightly folded, one searing blast to Liu Wei -centric, instantly swept out, the temperature within a radius of one hundred meters soaring.

Di Xiao roar...... thanks to Garnett to stop in time, otherwise I'm afraid sleepwalk Liu Wei belly of the wolf would have died. To know the number of wolf head, body momentum Garnett smaller than the many, can be compared to Liu Wei, but it is a little stronger on the point, not to mention buy fifa was rushed to the attack. After a long while, the high temperature baking, freezing, hard frozen ground, quickly softened, large steaming mist rises from the ground. It is curious to that group dense white mist, so floating in the air, despite the cold wind blowing, and leave together, and quickly spread to the surrounding, very quickly, within a radius of one hundred meters of which are shrouded in white wilderness, the hazy, dreamlike, people do not know a specific look what happened.


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