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The side of the party want to get out of the cupboard on a map covered with Xu Jianguo 's desk. Secretary Xu louis vuitton wallet Look, this is East Lake Road, one is west of the old city, one is Yongsan. If louis vuitton sale Lake District tourism road show to leave, then we must first be transformed to East Lake Road, East Lake Road widening the existing, extended. And west of the old city to make it, Yongsan connected. And at the same time broaden the extension on East Lake Road to landscaping, not only in the repair of a road, but rather to build a scenic attitude towards Donghu Road.

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From a historical point of view, is also a historical fact louis vuitton sale hayang of city, but has not paid attention to, if you really want to work this talent, you can open a lot of things. So Southwest is the people.pointed to map Longshan said: Secretary Xu look at Yongsan, Yongsan many years ago actually had a scenic Similarly, louis vuitton sale hayang City did not properly open to him. I myself have been to Yongsan, the overall area is large enough, the mountain is high, but there is a nike sale mountain of Buddhist temples - Tenryu-ji.

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